Annual Academic Planning & Review

Pre Service Teacher Education-Plan of Action

Plan of Action

JULY 2019- JUNE 2020





JULY 2019

·       Pre-Board Examination: First Year and  Second Year

·       Internal Seminar on Action Research Project: Second year

·       Development of Time Table

·       Development of Scheme of Lesson

·       Admission: First Year

·       Induction Orientation Programme: First Year

·       Theory Class ,WBA,SBA :First year and Second year

·       Seminar on Teaching as a Profession

·       Celebration of Bana Mahotstav Week and Plantation

·       Computer Literacy Programme (Practice of MS office)

·       Reflection on activities of the month


·       Theory Class, WBA,SBA :First year and Second year

·       Plan of Action for Adopted Schools

·       Welcome ceremony for first year Student Teachers

·       Paper cutting and pasting

·       Creation of Students’ Council

·       Computer Literacy Programme (Practice of MS office)

·       Science, Math, Language and Social Science Club Activities

·       Reflection on activities of the month



·       Theory Class ,WBA,SBA :First year and Second year

·       Conduct of School Certification Programme

·       Workshop on Art and Craft

·       Seminar on Professional Ethics of a Teacher

·       Computer Literacy Programme (Practice of MS office)

·       Implementation of Each one Teach one project

·       Science, Math, Language and Social Science Club Activities

·       Reflection on activities of the month



·       Theory Class ,WBA,SBA :First year and Second year

·       Final teaching

·       Implementation of Each one Teach one project in Practicing School

·       Computer Literacy Programme (Practice of MS office)

·       Seminar on Current Trends and Issues on Quality Education

·       Science, Math, Language and Social Science Club Activities

·       Reflection on activities of the month


·       Theory Class ,WBA,SBA :First year and Second year

·       Seminar on Integration of ICT tools on Teaching Learning Process

·       Orientation on School Internship Programme

·       Demonstration of Lesson for different subjects

·       Workshop Based activity and seminar on Action Research proposal

·       Computer Literacy Programme (Exploration of different ICT tools)

·       Science, Math, Language and Social Science Club Activities

·       Reflection on activities of the month




·       School  Internship Programme : First year and Second year (10 days)

·       Seminar on National Education Policy -2019 Draft

·       Computer Literacy Programme (Exploration of different ICT tools)

·       Science, Math, Language  and Social Science Club Activities

·       Implementation of Each one Teach one project in Practicing School

·       Reflection on activities of the month



·       Theory Class ,WBA,SBA :First year and Second year

·       School  Internship Programme : First year and Second year (19 days)

·       Demonstration on Multi -Grade Lesson

·       Science, Math, Language  and Social Science Club Activities

·       Implementation of Each one Teach one project in Practicing School

·       Reflection on activities of the month



·       Theory Class ,WBA,SBA :First year and Second year

·       Development of TLMs in different subjects

·       TLM Mela

·       Case Study Presentation

·       Sharing of Experiences of School Internship Programme

·       Observation of Science Day and Science Exhibition

·       Science, Math, Language , Social Science Cub Activities

·       Implementation of Each one Teach one project in Practicing School

·       Reflection on activities of the month


MARCH 2020

·       Theory Class ,WBA,SBA :First year and Second year

·       Workshop on  development of   Activity Bank and Question Bank

·       Competition on different literary and cultural activities

·       Preparation of Action Research Report : Second Year

·       Seminar on NCF 2005 and RTE Act 2009

·       Science, Math, Language and Social Science Club Activities

·       Reflection on activities of the month

APRIL 2020

·       Theory Class ,WBA,SBA :First year and Second year

·       Seminar on Local Issues


·       Preparation of Activity cards

·       Science, Math, Language ,and Social Science Club Activities

·       Reflection on activities of the month


MAY 2020

·       Revision : First Year and Second Year

·       Pre Board Examination (Theory)


JUNE 2020

·       Revision : First Year and Second Year

·       Action Research Internal Seminar : Second Year

·       Review of Annual Academic Calendar for 2019-2020