“The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.”

                                                                                        Edward Teller


If this is true, then our budding scientists should be provided ample opportunity of experimenting in science in classrooms, labs, homes etc. for a better technological tomorrow. In addition to this, keeping in view the inculcation of scientific attitude, scientific bent of mind, problem solving ability and so on, the Government of India has launched “Popularization of Science and Technology Programme” for the students of our country. Incorporating this supposition the State Government is generous enough to provide budget for organization of different activities under PSTP. Accordingly the Science and Mathematics Department of this Directorate plans various activities with the following objectives :

  • To popularize science and technology among the school students of our State
  • To inculcate scientific bent of mind, attitude, aptitude, curiosity and creativity
  • to create awareness about environmental issues and concerns
  • to encourage students for more innovation, discovery and invention
  • to appreciate the role of science and mathematics in meeting the challenges of life
  • to motivate the students to pursue career in science and mathematics, etc.

Throughout the year, activities of this Department are organized successfully in collaboration with the Regional Science Centre, Bhubaneswar and other educational institutions as per the guidelines of NCERT, New Delhi and National Council of Science Museum, Ministry of Culture, Government of India. With the fund provision of Government of Odisha under the head ‘Popularization of Science and Technology Programme’, and catalytic grant of NCERT, New Delhi, following activities were undertaken by the Science and Mathematics Department.

  1. District Science Supervisors’ Conference
  2. Science Drama
  3. Science Seminar
  4. Science Quiz
  5. Science Exhibitions
    • State Level Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition (SLSMEE)
    • Jawaharlal Nehru National Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition
    • Eastern India Science Fair
    • Mobile Van Science Exhibition
  6. Exposure visit of District Science Supervisors
  7. Junior Science and Mathematics Olympiad (JSMO)
  8. Celebration of National Mathematics Day
  9. Celebration of National Science Day
  10. Publication of Bigyan Patrika