Co-Curricular Activities


co-curricular activities are an important part of the curriculum that allows students to develop specific skills or demonstrate their non academic abilities. These activities are compulsory activities which are important for every child to participate.  Co-curricular activities are designed and balanced with academic curriculum so that every student gets to learn beyond subjects. Co-curricular activities are meant to bring social skills, intellectual skills, moral values, personality progress and character appeal in students. It includes athletics, cultural events, Library activities, scientific experiment activities in laboratory, classroom activities, creative arts and meditation etc.


Celebration of National Unity Day

“Unity is strength….when there is team work and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved”.

 —Mattie Stepanek


The National Unity Day is celebrated to pay tribute to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who had played a great role in keeping India united after post-independence. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was India’s first deputy Prime Minister. He played a major role in persuading over 565 princely states to accede to the independent Indian Union. Patel was also popularly titled as the ‘Iron Man of India’, as he was able to successfully integrate all the princely states into the newly independent India, despite several hurdles. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is also known to be one of the founding fathers of the Indian Republic. The main theme of National Unity Day 2019 is to bring the nation together, united in times of strife and rising extremism. This day honours Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who had played a significant role during India’s freedom struggle and later during the integration of all the princely states into the Indian Union.

D.I.E.T Dolipur, Jajpur celebrated the “National Unity Day” by organizing Quiz and Debate competitions for D.EL.ED and B.Ed student teachers. The winners of the competitions were awarded with prizes. An oath taking ceremony was also organized at the institution. The ceremony was inaugurated by the head of the institution Mr. Nabakishore Giri by garlanding the photo of Sardar Vallabhai Patel in presence of all staffs and student teachers. Principal Mr. Giri highlighted on the objectives of the celebration of National Unity Day. He also advised to all the members of the DIET to keep unity in doing all activities. On this auspicious occasion staffs and students also gave talks on the contribution of Sardar Vallabhai Patel for keeping India United after Independence.




                                                                                Science Exhibition, 2019-20

DIET, Dolipur, Jajpur have been taking many initiatives to provide interactive, participatory, hands-on, innovative and creative learning experiences to students studying in schools. One such initiative refers to the organization of Science Exhibition every year. The activity aims at providing a common platform to schools, teachers and students to give shape to their innovative ideas and learn from each other’s experiences. These exhibitions also provide a medium for popularizing Science and increasing awareness among stakeholders about the close relationship between Science, Technology and Society. This year DIET, Jajpur, Dolipur has organized an institutional level Science Exhibition on 13th March 2020 in the DIET premises.

Theme for science Exhibition: “Science for People and People for Science”

Sub-themes for Science Exhibition

  • Science and Technology for daily living
  • Waste management
  • Science for fun






The science exhibition was hosted on 13th March 2020 at DIET Jajpur, Dolipur primises. This was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Mrs. Mamata Samal (Reader in Chemistry V.N Autonomous college), chief speaker Mr. Dilip Kumar Behera(Lecturer in physics, V.N Autonomous college)  and Principal Mr. Nabakishor Giri in presence of staffs and students by lightening candle.


At the beginning of the meeting Ms Smitashree Biswal(TE) welcomed everyone present on this occasion. Emphasizing on need and importance of science and technology for daily living she invited all to witness the exhibits displayed in the science exhibition. Mrs Krishna Goutami Nath (TE) delivered the report of Science Exhibition 2018 and gave brief idea about the preparation of this year science exhibition. Then Mrs Nibedita Guru (Sr. TE) introduced  the guest on the dice.


Mrs. Mamata Samal Chief guest cum judge of this occasion, conveying his best wishes to the participants and DIET students highlighting on benefits of science and technology in present day. She emphasized on bringing out innovation through science and technology in teacher education. She also cited the examples of famous scientist like C.V Raman, Ramanujan, Einstein, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam for their contribution in science and technology and mankind. At last she inspired teachers for development of critical thinking, logical analysis and scientific temper in the young minds through various opportunities.

Mr Dilip Ku Behera (Lecturer in Physics) was the chief speaker cum Judge of this Science Exhibition. In his deliberation he inspired participants for sharing their innovative and creative thoughts and to learn from each other. He also congratulates DIET Jajpur, Dolipur for organizing this grand exhibition and providing opportunities for exploring hidden talents in science and technology.

At last Mr Nabakishor Giri, Principal DIET Dolipur offered vote of thanks to all for attending inaugural meeting. The exhibition continued smoothly thereafter in a scientific setting. Large numbers of dignitaries, participants, students, teachers, parents, media and spectators were present on this eve, which inspired the young minds.


The entire DIET premises decorated with art and craft based on scientific theme that ignited the young minds with new ideas and concepts. All total 96 Projects from different subthemes like science and technology for daily living, environmental issues, waste management and science for fun etc. prepared by both D. El. Ed and B. Ed students. There projects were mostly based on science and technology for daily living. Most attractive projects are “Home Security Alarm”, “Solar Power Satellite”, “Vacuum Cleaner coach”, “Hand Made Projector”, “Drip Irrigation System” etc.

An art gallery was exhibited with 45 paintings on the themes “women in science”. The paintings were very much attractive and reflected the creative imagination of the students. Students, teachers, parents of adopted schools, CRCCs and teachers of nearest blocks witnessed the innovative and creative works of the participants.


As per the format of the exhibition the displayed projects were evaluated by judges. Winners were selected in different categories science and technology for daily living, waste management, and science for fun and for art gallery. There was a provision of 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes for each category.




The prize distribution and valediction ceremony of this district level science exhibition was held at 4pm. A number of dignitaries were present on this occasion. Principal DIET, Dolipur welcomed everyone and congratulates the participants and their guide teachers for their sincere participation in the exhibition. Senior teacher educator Mrs Nibedita Guru appreciated participants, staff and students for their deliberate contribution to make the exhibition successful.

Then Mrs. Mamata Samal Chief Guest cum judge of this occasion expressed his gratitude for being associated with this district level science exhibition. He inspired students to prepare better projects which helps for betterment of the society.

Mr Dilip Ku Behera (Lecturer in Physics) chief speaker cum judge of this exhibition appreciated students for their active participation and advised them to think and work creatively so that they can display their projects and earn name and fame in national and international level.

Towards the end selected participants were felicitated by the Hon’ble dignitaries. Then first newsletter of the DIET “The Chetana” was inaugurated by the guests and principal in presence of students and staffs. This was followed by a formal vote of thanks by Ms Smitashree Biswal, (TE). Thus celebration of this science exhibition came to an end with a promise to meet next year with a vision of more innovative and creative ideas of young talents.