In-service Teacher Education programme (ISTE)/ Teacher Professional Development (TPD)

It was formerly called as In-service Teacher Education programme. The main aims of the teacher Professional Development Programme are to;

  1. Explore, reflect on and develop one’s own practice.
  2. Deepen one’s knowledge and update oneself about one’s academic discipline or other areas of school curriculum.
  3. Understand and update oneself on educational and social issues.
  4. Creating space for sharing of experiences of teachers among themselves.
  5. Orientation of HMs on leadership programme.
  6. Orientation to HMs, CRCCs, BRCCs and other resource group on computer fundamental.
  7. Identification of district specific teacher needs (Post NAS analysis, Action Research)
  8. Training programmes for HMs, CRCCs, BRCCs and other resource group.
  9. Development of question bank on the basis of learning outcomes.
  10. Preparation of teaching learning materials (TLMs).