In-service Teacher Education programme (ISTE)/ Teacher Professional Development (TPD)
It was formerly called as In-service Teacher Education programme. The main aims of the teacher Professional Development Programme are to;
- Explore, reflect on and develop one’s own practice.
- Deepen one’s knowledge and update oneself about one’s academic discipline or other areas of school curriculum.
- Understand and update oneself on educational and social issues.
- Creating space for sharing of experiences of teachers among themselves.
- Orientation of HMs on leadership programme.
- Orientation to HMs, CRCCs, BRCCs and other resource group on computer fundamental.
- Identification of district specific teacher needs (Post NAS analysis, Action Research)
- Training programmes for HMs, CRCCs, BRCCs and other resource group.
- Development of question bank on the basis of learning outcomes.
- Preparation of teaching learning materials (TLMs).