Our institution aspires to offer quality teacher education to enlighten emancipate and empower the student teacher fraternity and to foster life long learning. The vision is to make the institute a Centre of Excellence and a leading institute of education in Odisha by producing the best quality and competent teachers for the society and to prepare teachers who integrate to develop soft skills and ICT based methodology. Our institution mainly visioned at:-
- To produce quality teachers in fields of elementary education with a global view, enhancing values, ethics and professional practices.
- To cultivate more self-confidence.
- To mould and motivate the would-be teachers towards vision of excellence.
- To strengthen their ability in communicating their views effectively.
- Function as a model teacher education
- Provide academic environment conducive for teaching-learning research, extension and consultancy
- Develop relevant competencies and proper commitment
- Promote quality enhancement in education by organizing seminars, workshops and conferences
- Serve the community by means of extension and consultancy activities
- Develop a value system among the teaching community based on culture of the region, state, nation, democracy and socialism
- Implement the pedagogical and content knowledge, skills, and dispositions that prepare all students for 21st century realities
- To arrange programmes for the all round development of personality of the teacher trainees.
The chief objectives of the institution set down are,
- To produce teachers of high academic caliber who can be both effective and efficient.
- To instill in them the basic interest in social issues and values governing the present student generation.
- To improve them with challenges to assume leadership and to make them realize that their attitude decides their altitude in life.
- To make the student teachers aware of the ecological and environmental issues so that they become agents of social change.
- To make the student teacher conscious of their duties and responsibilities of citizenship so that they are enabled to mould students as good citizens.
- To make the student teachers capable of understanding international changing trends in education and the problems facing the humanity.
- To ensure that at elementary level, all the students make use of the educational services in accordance with their interests, aspirations ambitions abilities always keeping in mind the principles of social justice.
- To develop the role perception of a teacher in the emerging socio-economic political and environmental context in general and in specific educational system in particular, thereby, inculcating the personality traits, appreciation and understanding among the student teachers.