Govt. Elementary Teacher Education Institution,Tangi is one of leading Teacher Training Institution in Odisha. Formerly it was an Elementary Training School in 1955, it became a Secondary Training School in 1964 and subsequently on 6th January 2015 it was upgraded to Govt Elementary Teacher Education Institution (ETEI) . It has been offering two years Pre-service teacher training course known as D.EL.Ed course stating from 2012-13 an intake capacity of 50 students selected an mark basis.The intake capacity enhanced to 100 seats from the academic session 2014-15 and selection made through entrance examinations. Further the institution provided distance education programmed (DEP-CT)in the session 2008-12 for in service primary teachers, DEP D.EL.Ed course for Sikshya sahayak/Gana sikshyak in the session 2013-15 and D.EL.Ed course through N.I.O.S for private school teachers in the session 2016-18. The Institution on the whole dedicated for the cause of quality improvement of Elementary Education of khurda District.