District Institute of Education and Training, Sambalpur was established in 1989 upgrading the existing Women Secondary Training School. Sambalpur is one among the 13 old DIETs of Odisha which has played a remarkable role in the field of Teacher Education at the Elementary level.It is situated at the foot of Budharaja Hill at Ainthapali on its own land and building. DIET, Sambalpur has been offering two year Pre-Service Training to fresh candidates popularly known as D.El.Ed course with an intake capacity of 100 in each session. In addition, the Institution has been working continuously and consistently for the capacity building of Elementary School Teachers serving with in the catchment area of 9 Blocks of Sambalpur District by organizing various short term Training and Orientation Programmes. The Institute on the whole is dedicated for the cause of quality improvement of Elementary Education of Sambalpur District.