I. To organize pre-service teacher education courses for preparing the secondary school teachers.
II. To conduct M.Ed., M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes in education.
III. To conduct programmes to prepare elementary teacher educators.
IV. To conduct in-service courses for
o Elementary and Secondary Teacher Educators
o Heads of secondary schools.
o Teachers of Secondary Schools.
o Supervisors of elementary and secondary schools.
V. To organise subject-based orientation courses for secondary school teachers.
VI. To organise theme-specific courses for secondary school teachers.
VII. To provide resource support to secondary schools.
VIII. To provide academic resource support to professional bodies.
IX. To organise pilot programmes in Teacher education.
X. To conduct advanced level fundamental, applied and experimental research of interdisciplinary nature.
XI. To develop instructional materials like unit plan, content-cum-methodological strategies, instructional packages, Teachers’ Hand Books, students’ work book, innovative programmers, experimental projects, self-learning instructional packages and teaching aids.
XII. To organise long duration specialized course/programmes in appropriate areas on the basis of the needs of the state.
Sister Institutions
There are a few institutions located within the capmus. These sister institutions are Radhanath Elementary Teacher Education Institute, Govt. Commercial Class and Practising Girls’ High School.
Radhanath Elementary Teacher Education Institute
This training school is located in the main building of the institute. It prepares the teachers for elementary level offering a Pre-service teacher training course for two years. This has been long associated with the Institute and is under the administrative control of the Principal, RNIASE, Cuttack, Odisha.
Government Commercial Class
This institution is located in the premises of the Institute which is a very old institution of the Orissa State Government. This is under the administrative control and supervision of the Headmaster, Radhanath STS, Cuttack. It imparts one year training course in type writing, shorthand, drafting and book keeping. Its session commences from July every year and the examinations are held in May. There are 48 seats and selection of candidates is made on merit basis. The minimum qualification for admission is pass in H.S.C. or its equivalent examination.
Practising Govt.Girls’ High School
There is a Practising Govt.Girl’s High School in the premises of this institute. This school was established with the basic purpose facilitating demonstration, practice teaching and innovation programmes of this Institute.