Infrastructure & Facilities
- Managed by at the time of establishment: Government of Odisha
- Establishment of the Institution: 25 May, 2005
- Total Area of Institution: 611381.908 Sqft.(14.04 Acre)
- Total Built-up Area: 23455.84 Sqft.
- Total No. of Classrooms: 07
- Multipurpose Hall: 01
- Hostel: 01(Girls) 50 Seated
- Laboratory facility (Science Laboratory, ICT Laboratory)
- Library facility ( with no of Books: 11800 & no of Journals: 18)
- Own campus Playground
- Safe Drinking Water facility
- Sports & Game Room/Material
- Gym and indoor games hub
- Staff Common room
- Students Common Room separate for boys and girls
- Toilet facilities for staff: (Male/Female)
- Toilet facilities for Pupil teachers: ( Boys/ Girls)
- Computer Lab. Consist of 23 Computer and Printer with Broad band Internet connection.
- Staff quarter for Principal, Teaching and Non Teaching
- Boys hostel (100 seated)
- Renovation of Ladies Hostel