
Infrastructure Details

Built up Area ( sq mt.) – 4022 sqm

classrooms: 2 Asbests + pucca newly constructed = 4

Multipurpose Hall = 1

Library cum Reading Room = 1

ICT Lab = 1

Principal office = 1

staff common room = 1

Administrative Office =1

Girls common room = 1

Resource room = 1

Toilet – boys = 2, girls= 4

Toilet for staff : male – 2  and Female -1

Parking space = 18sqm

Store rooms = 2

Open space for additional accommodation = 13865 sqm

safe guard for fire hazards = 5

hostel- boys =1

Residential quarter = 8

science lab = 1

Training Hall = 2

Water facility = borewell

watercooler for staff and students= 2